Getting back on your feet after a bankruptcy discharge means rebuilding your credit. Now that you’ve experienced bankruptcy, you probably have an increased awareness of how important it is to stay on top of your bills and make sure that the creditors never have anything to report in the future.... View Article
Filing for bankruptcy in The Woodlands, TX can be downright distressing—you’re faced with the possibility of losing your assets and disrupting your normal way of life in order to pay off your debts. Many people are tempted to give away their assets or otherwise try to soften the blow, but... View Article
If you’re married and considering filing for individual bankruptcy in The Woodlands, TX, you’re probably wondering how that will affect your spouse. After all, when you get married, you legally share debts incurred in your names after marriage—so what does that mean when you can’t afford to repay those debts?... View Article
Deciding to file for bankruptcy is a big decision, and one that involves potentially giving up a lot of your assets. Keeping your property, including your home, during bankruptcy in The Woodlands, TX, depends on which type of bankruptcy you file for and several other important factors. It’s important to... View Article
Thanks to a number of factors, child support payments can be difficult to make—and when you start missing payments, the child support debt in Montgomery County, TX can pile up rapidly. Many people ask their attorneys whether they can get rid of their unpaid child support debt if they file... View Article