Many people have suddenly found themselves in over their heads, unable to pay their bills and meet their financial obligations. In times of economic distress, more people turn to filing for bankruptcy—but they almost always want to know if they’ll be able to keep some or all of their property.... View Article
Filing for Social Security can be a minefield for making mistakes in Montgomery County, TX. More seniors are declaring bankruptcy now than ever, and part of that has to do with making mistakes about taking out Social Security payments. Seniors are often eager to retire, but not timing your filing... View Article
When you decide to file for bankruptcy, you should seriously consider hiring a bankruptcy attorney in Montgomery County, TX to assist with your case. While you can go through the process without a lawyer, having someone skilled in the often-complex proceedings is the best way to find financial freedom. What... View Article
Whenever the government seizes (or threatens to seize) your property as payment for a debt, it can be downright terrifying. After all, you knew you were in debt, but can they really take your home? And if they take it, can they possess it? Knowing what to do when confronted... View Article
Overpayments can be discharged during bankruptcy proceedings—but not always. If you’re having trouble with unemployment benefits and payments, you should discuss them immediately with an attorney in Montgomery County, TX. Getting into debt is all too easy, especially considering the state of the economy these days. Still, you could be... View Article